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News Icon 7/2/2019

Happy 4th of July, USA! 

While we celebrate our independence from British rule here in the United States, we must remember the fight for basic justice for farmed animals is far from over. As you read this, the vast majority of mother pigs and egg-laying hens still sit cruelly confined in cages and crates that prevent them from simply standing up, turning around, lying down, or fully extending their limbs. 

While we’ve made incredible progress to eliminate these worst-of-the-worst factory farming practices, this Independence Day, let's honor the fact that the fight persists by leaving as many animal products off our plates as we can.

Luckily, in 2019 there are more compassionate, sustainable, and delicious plant-based alternatives to throw on the grill than ever before! Whether you’re craving a juicy burger, a salty, buttery ear of corn, or something entirely different, a plant-based spread can serve up the right amount of fuel for all your celebrations.

We’ve compiled a list of 11 ideas and recipes to help your barbecue this week—and those to come—secede from animal products and form a more compassionate, plant-based union!

Simple Swaps:

  • Keep sides cool with plant-based mayo. Keep your potato and pasta salad recipes the same with a plant-based twist of Just Mayo, Veganaise, or Hellman’s Vegan Spread.
  • Kabob some Tofu or Tempeh. Replace any animal proteins with some tofu or tempeh loaded with barbeque, teriyaki, or your favorite sauce!
  • Grill some plant-based meats. Satisfy your char fix with Beyond Meat Burger or Sausage, Tofurky Kielbasa, or Veggie Bubba Burger!
  • Or some fresh veggies. Whether marinated or not some cauliflower, watermelon, pineapple, or sweet potatoes can really hit the spot.
  • Bake with plant-based dairy, flax eggs, or applesauce. Give yourself a sugar rush by swapping in some easy egg and dairy alternatives to your usual dessert recipes.


1. Chimichurri Pineapple Veggie Skewers


In case you care for creative kabobs! Recipe.

2. Southwest Sweet Potato Black Bean Dip

southwest black bean dip.jpg

Pick up the blue corn tortilla chips to feel extra fancy. Recipe.

3. BBQ Jackfruit Sliders

BBQ Jackfruit Sliders TASTY.jpg

Grill the onions, cabbage, and carrots for something ~extra~ special. Recipe.

4. Jalapeno Mac And Cheese

Jalapeno mac and cheese 2.jpg

Literally no one will be able to tell there’s no cheese in this. Shhh! Recipe.

5. BBQ Baked Beans


Throw in whatever meat replacement you prefer. We aren’t here to judge. Recipe.

6. American Flag Cake

flag cake.jpg

For those feeling exceptionally patriotic. Recipe.


Make one of these recipes at your family or friend’s 4th of July party? We want to see! Post a photo on social media and tag us @CompassionUSA.

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